Wednesday, October 17, 2012

So typical for #2...sorry sweetheart

I'm scolding myself as I am writing this.  When Sophia our first born was born, countless hours were spent making blogs, photo albums, posting videos & pictures. So typical, I am about 7 months behind with our sweet Clara.  Please forgive me dear...
March 9th Clara Kathryn is born and is AMAZING. 8#2oz 21.5 in and beautiful. She looks like her mama. Well at least for now she does.  Her round face her dark eyes, not much hair, but so very sweet.  She almost grunts when she breathes she is so roly-poly.  Her disposition seems to be more like me too.  Pretty easy going, loves to eat.
Big sissy loves her instantly, how could you not.
Clara is growing in the 95%-125% in weight & height.  By 4 months she is 15# 4oz and 25.5 inches long. By 6 months she is 20# and 27in.
For the first two months she slept in a bassinet next to our bed.  Lucky girl, Sophia only got 2 weeks before being sent to her own room.  And at about 3 months we moved into our new house in Beverly Hills.  Even with more room, and a bit of convincing...the girls share a room here.  Sophia wouldn't have it any other way & I hope this is the start of a beautiful lifelong friendship.
Today Clara is 7 months and 8 days old and she is home sick with Pneumonia.  It started with big sis bringing home a cold/ear infection from school.  Then mama got it, daddy got it...we all held our breath and about 10 days later Clara got it.
She's on a nebulizer, steroids & antibiotics and we are praying that some rest & treatments will keep her out of the hospital.  Spent most of the day at Beaumont yesterday :(
Aside from her being sick, she is so sweet.  Clara has the widest smile you could ever imagine.  It's as though her face opens up and takes a part of you in.  She has such a short funny laugh, still not much hair and sleeps like a champ.
At about 8 weeks she was sleeping about 12 hours/night and we haven't gone back.  She goes to bed about 5pm and wakes up at 5am...sometimes 6am if we are lucky.
Julie often tells me that Clara is so "good" because Oma is babysitting her from heaven.  I totally agree!
Clara comes to work with mama at the bakery each day and the girls LOVE her!
This weekend, 10/11 to be exact, she very clearly started saying DADA. Over & over babbling in the motor-home while we were camping.  It was so exciting, feeling slightly sad that she wasn't saying mama...just hearing her sweet voice soothed any selfish disappointment.
Posting pictures soon.And then combining blogs with Sophia...stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Date is Set

We set the c-section date for March 9th. Our beautiful girl will arrive sometime around 11:30am.
I've felt pretty great so far. Busy with getting ready, preparing Sophia to be a big sister and trying to find a new house to move into so that we have more room.